Pretty ladies

Sometimes when I go out with some friends (boys especially), we like to talk about some beautiful girls on the street. I found that different people may have there different view of “beautiful”. A friend of mine like some girls who has big eyes like Ayumi Hamasaki. Some of them like thinly girls, some of them like girls with long hair, and some girls like boys who are very tall! For my own style, I like girls who feel nature, not too much makeup. Sometimes I think it is the feeling, not the outlook. Anyway, most of my friends’s girl-friends have a big different between of their dream girls… So, I understand something at last : When you love a boy or girl, you may do not mind anything about him / her. Love is love, no reason sometimes.

p.s. We just like to talk, may be most of boys like to do so, haha!

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